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Whichever duration you choose, you will receive:
Online coaching for the duration you have chosen which will include:
A calorie target calculated specific to your goals
A daily protein goal
A daily water intake target
Weekly step target
Access to our exclusive online coaching app where you track your progress
Weekly check in form to keep you accountable
A review of your progress every week followed by in-depth feedback every 3 weeks
Access to 3 exclusive training sessions per week which include:
1 early morning 6am functional training session​
1 midweek evening traditional strength session
1 weekend HIIT workout
Access to our private WhatsApp group with all other challengers where we:
Provide daily support​
Set you weekly challenges to keep you motivated
Share recipes
Share hints & tips to help you meet your goals
General chat with the group
Training advice which can include:
Workout target for classes (type of classes, amount)
Gym plan should you wish to follow your training elsewhere
**Please note that your membership to our classes are NOT included so should you wish to attend these, you will need to have a membership which you can take out HERE. Alternatively, you can book each class on a PAYG basis.
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