You are booking a LIVE IN PERSON class at Elite Fitness Studio.
In line with current UK Government Guidance, if an individual is symptomatic and/or living in a household with a possible COVID-19 infection they should remain at home and follow UK Government guidance. In addition, any participants who have been asked to isolate by NHS Test and Trace because they are a contact of a known COVID-19 case, must not exercise outside their home or garden and must not exercise with others.
By booking your class you agree that:
1. You have not tested positive for COVID-19 nor have you have shown any symptoms as detailed on the NHS/Government website.
2. You have not come into contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or have shown any symptoms as detailed on the NHS/Government website.
3. You are in good health and take responsibility for painting good hygiene practice before, during and after the class.
4. You will follow all hand sanitising and social distancing measures put in place by staff.
5. You will notify a member of staff IMMEDIATELY should you become unwell or begin to show any symptoms before, during or after class.
6. You agree to your details being held on our system for as long as necessary for the purposes of NHS Test & Trace.
On behalf of all the instructors at Elite Fitness Stuido, we look forward to welcoming you safely back into face-to-face exercise and we can't wait to see you all.
The Elite Team x